Last year, we bought our first house and almost immediately found out we had plumbing and mold problems, which did not come up on the house inspection. Because of covid, permits for work took longer to get and we ended up going 3 months without running water. This meant outdoor showers with the hose and using the bathroom in a camping toilet we filled with kitty litter. Even our kids were tired of this life, by the end. Then, in January of this year, my husband had a stroke. So, that was more months of days at the hospital and after, sitting in the car while he did his therapy. And through it all, I swear I would not have made it without my Milos Sweet Tea. I'm not a coffee or pop drinker, so sweet tea is my happy place during and after a stressful day. I even bought a carrying bag and reusable ice cubes, so I can keep my little bottles cold, on the go. My family and friends pick me up a few bottles, when they see them in stock. Everyone knows I gotta have my sweet tea. Thank you, Milos, for keeping me sane!